DBC Network.. bisnis oline terpercaya

Sunday, October 16, 2011



We are the pioneer of Indonesian office furniture manufacturer. We are looking for professional as follows :


Kualifikasi :
  • Pendidikan Minimum D1- S1 Accounting
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  • Inovatif, Agresif, dan target oriented
  • Jujur, Sopan, berperilaku baik dan disiplin
  • Dapat bekerja keras dan terbiasa bekerja dengan tekanan
  • Mampu bekerja dalam tim/ individu
  • Menyukai Tantangan dan cepat beradaptasi

Kirimkan Surat Lamaran dan CV Lengkap Anda Ke :

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kerja di Rumah.. Ayoookkkk....


Bebas Macet
Waktu Fleksibel
Bebas Tentukan Liburan


Kena Macet
Tergantung Jam Kerja
Masa Cuti Terbatas

Pilih Mana?

Pilihan sebelah kiri adalah beberapa hal yang kini merupakan sebagian keuntungan
menjadi anggota d'BC Network! Namun...ada SYARATnya!
  • Ikuti semua step by step yang telah kami siapkan lengkap tentang BAGAIMANA MENJALANKAN d'BC Network dari rumah!
  • Manfaatkan semua fasilitas canggih yang telah kami siapkan lengkap UNTUK SEMUA ANGGOTA d'BC Network dari rumah!
  • Selalu aktif dalam Forum dan Milis yang telah tersedia secara online

Semua telah kami siapkan
Untuk bisa Anda
pelajari dan praktekkan dari rumah!

Berapa Kira-kira Modalnya Kerja dari Rumah
bersama d'BC Network?

  • Uang Pendaftaran HANYA Rp.39,900
  • Biaya Internetan Rp.200,000/bulan* atau bila bekerja dari warnet misalnya kami sarankan siapkan dana sekitar Rp.100,000/bulan
  • Biaya domain dan hosting sekitar Rp.200,000/tahun! (optional)
  • Biaya promosi online, besarnya tergantung kemampuan anda
  • Mengalihkan belanja bulanan untuk tutup poin sekitar Rp.412,500/bulan

Apakah harus menjual produk?

Terserah Anda!

Apakah harus membeli produk?

Tentu, produk kami nyata!

Katanya kerja dari rumah, kok beli produk?

Pembelian produk bisa dilakukan via telpon, email, website, maupun fax,
dan juga tentunya datang langsung!
Dan produk akan dikirim ke tempat Anda!

Produk dari Oriflame sebuah perusahaan asal Swedia
yang telah berdiri kokoh di 61 negara
sejak 1967 yang bergerak di dunia bisnis MLM
dengan produk perawatan dan kecantikan
dari ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki!

Bekerja dari rumah adalah hal yang amat mungkin menjadi Penghasilan Utama
bila anda serius dan konsisten
mengikuti Sistem yang telah dibuktikan oleh banyak anggota kami!

Dapatkan informasi lebih lengkap
isi formulir dengan Klik di SINI sekarang juga!

Mengapa Harus Memilih d'BC Network Yang Didirikan Oleh Dini & Nadia?

Komunitas Online Pebisnis MLM Oriflame
yang 85% dijalankan SECARA ONLINE !!

Didirikan oleh Dini Shanti dan Nadia Meutia pada Agustus 2006
saat belum banyak yang melirik online
sebagai alat untuk mengembangkan bisnis Oriflame!

Oriflame telah eksis 40 tahun lebih di dunia dan 24 tahun di Indonesia

Namun... Para Founders d'BCN :

Nadia Meutia berhasil menjadi Diamond Director
dalam waktu 3 Tahun Saja!
Nadia Meutia juga meraih 3 macam kualifikasi Challenge tambahan
dalam hadiah perjalanan keluar negeri dari Oriflame
sejak 2008 (Yunani), 2009 (Itali) dan 2010 (Swedia)!

Dini Shanti berhasil menjadi Diamond Director
dalam waktu 4 Tahun Saja!
Dini Shanti meraih penghargaan sebagai Leader Dengan Kenaikan Level Tercepat!!
(di Indonesia) tahun 2010 dan salah satu dari:
The Fastest Leader In Asia pada tahun yang sama!


- Berpenghasilan rata-rata Rp.30juta perbulan
- Mendapatkan Honda New CRV gratis dari Oriflame
- Mendapatkan jalan-jalan ke luar negeri 2X setahun 2 tiket!

Dan kini...
ratusan anggota d'BC Network telah mulai mengikuti
Jejak Kesuksesan Nadia dan Dini!!

Sejak berhenti kerja 3 th yll pasti nya jadi sering be-te di rumah. Kerjaannya jadi ngiter melulu, makan di mall, kelilingan, pokoknya gak manfaat banget deh.

3 bulan pertama stay di rumah sih masih enak, tapi bulan2 selanjutnya sengsara sekali, karena saya bukan tipe orang yang bisa diam saja tanpa mengerjakan sesuatu. Kayaknya otak jadi beku kalau gak mengerjakan sesuatu.

Alhamdulillah sejak join d'BC Network, adaaaa aja yang aku kerjain tiap hari. Kayak kerja jaman dulu aja. Cuma ini dikerjain di rumah.

Prospek orang via email/sms, daftarin member, chatting tentang jaringan dengan member, pokoknya tiada hari tanpa bengong sejak gabung d'BC Network.

Alhamdulillahnya juga, dengan kerja di rumah melalui d'BC Network ini pehasilan saya bulan Mei 2010 mencapai 10,9 jt, hwaaa....padahal dulu pas kerja (th 2006) paling mentok gaji saya 2,5jt qiqiqiq.

Dan dengan uang bonus saya ini juga saya bisa nyicil mobil tanpa minta uang suami loh & mulai membuka tabungan haji u/ kedua orang tua saya. Alhamdulillah, semoga Allah selalu memudahkan kita semua menjalankan bisnis ini ya.

~ Dina Balirita, Jakarta
Ingin sekali saya menyenangkan ortu dengan bekerja kantoran tetapi berat sekali rasanya jika harus meninggalkan kedua buah hati saya yang masih kecil-kecil (Fattah 4th & Nadya 2th) lalu saya mencari-cari di internet, bisnis apa yang kira-kira sebagian besar bisa saya jalani dari rumah.

Alhamdulillah saya menemukan bisnis d'BC network yang ternyata adalah Oriflame yang bisa dijalankan secara online dengan investasi Rp 39.900, saya memulai bisnis ini.

Sambil mengurus kedua anak saya di rumah saya bisa menjalankan bisnis ini. Alhamdulillah akhirnya bisa saya buktikan pada ortu saya bahwa tanpa meninggalkan anak-anak saya saya bisa memiliki penghasilan, yang sekarang berada di kisaran 2-3jt/bulan

Tak berhenti di sini, insyaAllah saya akan terus menjalankan bisnis ini sampai bisa mewujudkan mimpi-mimpi untuk orang-orang yang saya cintai. Saya juga berharap, akan banyak ibu yang tinggal di rumah bersama anak-anaknya tetapi tetap bisa berkarya & mempunyai penghasilan sendiri

~ Marthy Fathimah, Bandung
Halo perkenalkan saya Nizma Armila, saya seorang ibu rumah tangga dari 3 orang balita. Tadinya gak kebayang bakal ngejalanin bisnis MLM, tapi saya akhirnya pun mencoba gabung d'BC Network yang menjalankan bisnis Oriflame.

Sebagai seorang ibu yang akses keluar rumahnya terbatas karena masih fokus mengurus anak-anak sendiri, rasanya sulit mau menjalankan bisnis apapun. Tapi ternyata dBCN memberikan fasilitas ONLINE yang amat memudahkan saya membangun jaringan saya dan menjalankan bisnis ini.

Ketika saya masih tinggal di Jakarta, saya cukup luangkan waktu saya minimal seminggu sekali datang ke training offline dan sebulan sekali datang ke training khusus. Kadang-kadang malah saya membawa anak-anak saya ikut serta ke training, atau ketemuan sama prospek, jadi anak-anak bermain, saya bisa presentasi kecil-kecilan di depan prospek.

Lalu saya pun pindah ke Cirebon tahun lalu, tapi itu tidak menghambat jalan saya di bisnis ini, karena bisnis ini saya jalankan 90% secara online, dan fasilitas d'BC Network sangat membantu saya.

Walau jauh dari upline dan berada di kota yang tidak ada kantor cabang Oriflame nya, Alhamdulillah saya bisa mencapai level Director pada bulan Maret 2010 yang lalu dan mendapatkan cash award Rp. 7.000.000,-

Saya sadar, semua kegiatan dan aktivitas saya berpusat pada anak-anak saya, dan itu pulalah yang menjadi alasan kenapa saya tetap konsisten menekuni bisnis ini adalah karena di bisnis ini kitalah yang menentukan jam kerja kita, saya tetap bisa bekerja tanpa harus mengorbankan waktu bersama anak-anak dan suami.

Walau kita berada dirumah, tapi kita bisa mendapat penghasilan tambahan dan keluarga pun bangga kepada kita.

~ Nizma, Cirebon

Dapatkan informasi lebih lengkap
isi formulir dengan Klik di SINI sekarang juga!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator with Lifetime Map & Traffic Updates

5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator with Lifetime Map & Traffic Updates









Product Description

See the big, wide world with the large screen nüvi 1450LMT. It offers free Lifetime Maps and Traffic, multiple-point routing, lane assist with junction view to guide you through busy highway interchanges, pedestrian routing options and ecoRoute to find the most fuel-efficient route.
See the big, wide world with the large screen nüvi 1450LMT.
Traffic information is updated constantly, and map updates are available up to 4 times a year, with no subscription, fees, or expiration dates.
EcoRoute calculates the most fuel-efficient route, tracks fuel usage and more.
Simply tap the screen for your exact coordinates, the nearest address/intersection, and the closest fuel and emergency services.

Extra-Wide, Feature-Rich GPS Navigator Lifetime Maps and Traffic

Includes Free Lifetime Map Updates
With free Lifetime Map and Traffic updates, you always have the most up-to-date maps, points of interest and navigation information available at your fingertips. Traffic information is updated constantly, and map updates are available for download up to 4 times a year. Both features are ready to go, right out of the box, with no subscription or update fees and no expiration dates.
See Even More
It's easy to see where you're going on nüvi 1450LMT's 5-inch touchscreen display. View map detail, driving directions, photos and more in bright, brilliant color. With its big, bold display, you won't miss a thing.
Navigate City Transit
With its enhanced pedestrian navigation capabilities, nüvi 1450LMT is the perfect travel companion for getting around town. Download optional cityXplorer content to help you navigate city public transit. Know where to walk, where to catch the bus, subway, tram or other transportation and how long it will take to get there. cityXplorer maps are available for select cities throughout North America and Europe. And with prices as low as $9.99, you'll have money left over to spend in the big city.
Know the Lane Before It's Too Late
No more guessing which lane you need to be in to make an upcoming turn. Lane assist with junction view guides you to the correct lane for an approaching turn or exit, making unfamiliar intersections and exits easy to navigate. It realistically displays road signs and junctions on your route along with arrows that indicate the proper lane for navigation.
Plan Ahead
nüvi 1450LMT includes advanced navigation features to take the worry out of traveling. With route planning you can save 10 routes, specify via points and preview simulated turns on the 1450LMT's large screen. In addition, nüvi 1450LMT automatically sorts multiple destinations to provide an efficient route for errands, deliveries or sales calls. A trip log provides an electronic bread crumb trail of up to 10,000 points, so you can see where you've been on the map.
Get Turn-by-Turn Directions
nüvi 1450LMT's intuitive interface greets you with two simple questions: "Where To?" and "View Map." Touch the color screen to easily look up addresses and services and get voice-prompted, turn-by-turn directions that speak street names to your destination. It comes preloaded with detailed City Navigator NT street maps, nearly 6 million points of interest (POIs), 2-D or 3-D maps and the speed limit for most major roads in the U.S. and Europe. Its digital elevation maps show you shaded contours at higher zoom levels, giving you a big picture of the surrounding terrain. With the 1450LMT's enhanced user interface, you can slide your finger to conveniently scroll between screens. You can also upload custom POIs. And with HotFix satellite prediction, nüvi calculates your position faster to get you there quicker.
Go Beyond Navigation
Navigation is just the beginning. nüvi 1450LMT saves you gas and money with ecoRoute--a green feature that calculates the most fuel-efficient route, tracks fuel usage and more. The 1450LMT includes many travel tools including JPEG picture viewer, world travel clock with time zones, currency converter, measurement converter, calculator and more. With photo navigation, you can download pictures from Garmin Connect Photos and navigate to them. With its "Where Am I?" emergency locator, you always know your location. Simply tap the screen to get your exact latitude and longitude coordinates, the nearest address and intersection, and the closest hospitals, police stations and fuel stations. The 1450LMT features Garmin Lock, an anti-theft feature, and is compatible with our free Garmin Garage where you can download custom voices and vehicles. Enhance your travel experience with optional plug-in microSD cards.

What's in the Box

nüvi 1450; Preloaded City Navigator NT North America (U.S & Canada); Lifetime Maps and Traffic; FM Traffic Receiver With Vehicle Power Cable; Vehicle Suction Cup Mount; USB cable; Dashboard Disc; Quick Start Manual

Product Description

nüvi 1450LMT features FREE lifetime map and traffic updates.

buy now..

Calvin Klein Eau de Parfum Spray

Calvin Klein Eau de Parfum Spray








Important Information

Safety Information
For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Keep away from naked flame or direct heat sources. Do not apply to sensitive skin. Do not apply to broken or inflamed skin. If irritation develops, reduce frequency or discontinue use.

Euphoria Eau De Parfum Spray by Calvin Klein for Women achieve a state of pure rapture with Calvin Klein's Euphoria, a sheer wooded Oriental fragrance that merges feminine sensuality with contemporary style. A provocative new fragrance from Calvin Klein. A contrast of exotic fruits and seductive black orchid with a rich and creamy signature, it's a journey without limits.

Alcohol Denatured, Fragrance, Water, Acrylates/Octylacrylamide Copolymer, Alpha Isomethyl Ionone, Benzyl Alcohol, Benzyl Benzoate, Benzyl Salicylate, Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane, Butylphenyl Methlyproprional, Citral, Citronellol, Coumarin, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Ethylhexyl Salicylate, Geraniol, Hexylcinnamal, Hydrolyzed Jojoba Esters, Hydroxycitronellal, Isoeugenol, Limonene, Linalool, Propylene Glycol, Tetrasodium EDTA, Ext D&C Violet 2 (CI 60730) (CI 60730), Green 5 (CI 61570), Red 33 (CI 17200) (CI 17200), Yellow 5 Lake (CI 19140)

Apply to clean dry skin avoidi

Product Description

Size: 3.4 fl oz
Launched by the design house of Calvin Klein.

buy now

Paris Hilton Parfum

Paris Hilton Parfum










Important Information

Safety Information
For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Keep away from naked flame or direct heat sources. Do not apply to sensitive skin. Do not apply to broken or inflamed skin. If irritation develops, reduce frequency or discontinue use.

Paris hilton is perfect for everyday wear or that romantic evening out.

Frozen Apple, Peach Nectar, Freesia, Mimosa, Jasmine, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang and Oakmoss

Important: Keep in cool dry places.

Product Description

Size: 3.4 oz
Introduced in 2005. Fragrance notes: Frozen Apple, Peach Nectar, Freesia, Mimosa, Jasmine, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, and Oakmoss


Friday, August 5, 2011

HP TouchPad Wi-Fi 16 GB 9.7-Inch Tablet Computer

HP TouchPad Wi-Fi 16 GB 9.7-Inch Tablet Computer

$399.99 & this item ships for FREE (save 20%)

Product Features and Technical Details

Capacity: 16GB

Product Features

  • Brilliant 9.7-inch diagonal LED backlit multitouch display
  • Seamless multitasking with HP webOS 3.0 and essential productivity apps
  • Exclusive Beats Audio for studio-quality sound
  • Blazing fast Qualcomm Snapdragon dual-CPU APQ8060 1.2GHz processor
Processor, Memory, and Motherboard
  • Hardware Platform: PC
  • Processor: 1.2 hertz
  • Number of Processors: 1
  • RAM: 1000 MB
  • RAM Type: DDR2 SDRAM
Hard Drive
  • Size: 16 GB
  • Type: Serial ATA
Ports and Connectivity
  • Modem: Modem
Cases and Expandability
  • Size (LWH): 0.54 inches, 7.48 inches, 9.45 inches
  • Weight: 1.6 pounds

HP Photosmart D110A Wireless e-All-in-One Printer

HP Photosmart D110A Wireless e-All-in-One Printer

$69.98 & this item ships for FREE (save 30%)

Technical Details

  • Now AirPrint compatible. Simply print from iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.
  • Print, copy, scan with a 2.36-Inch LCD (with TouchSmart frame)
  • Quickly print from the Web without using a PC
  • Print anywhere, anytime, with any device
  • Save energy and conserve resources (Energy Star qualified)

Product Description

From the Manufacturer

Count on the HP Photosmart e-All-in-one for everything you print, including photos, documents and Web content. Make your own photo books, calendars, collages and greeting cards using HP Photo Creations software. Use the HP TouchSmart Frame to print Web content like coupons, recipes and more without using a PC. Plus, print wirelessly from any room in your home and share your photo printer with multiple people. Simply touch one button for easy wireless setup. Print from anywhere, anytime to the HP Photosmart e-All-in-One. Send emails, photos and everyday documents from a smartphone, notebook PC or other mobile device directly to your photo printer. Save power with this ENERGY STAR qualified product, plus save paper by printing multiple pages on a single sheet. Edit and print lab-quality photos without a PC using the memory card slots and 2.36-Inch LCD with TouchSmart Frame. With this HP photo printer, original HP inks and HP Advanced Photo Paper, your prints will last for generations.


  • Easy photo and everyday printing
  • Quickly print from the web without using a PC1
  • Send print jobs from any mobile device with e-mail capability using HP ePrint2
  • Use AirPrint to print from iPad®, iPhone® or iPod touch®3
HP Photosmart e-All-in-One Front View

Canon PIXMA MP495 Wireless Inkjet Photo All-In-One

Canon PIXMA MP495 Wireless Inkjet Photo All-In-One

$58.00 & this item ships for FREE (save 27%)



Technical Details

  • All new Full HD Movie Print software turns your favorite HD movie clips captured
  • "Auto Photo Fix II" automatically adjusts and corrects your photos
  • Collect, combine and edit multiple web pages to print your own layout using "Easy-WebPrint EX"
  • The Chromalife 100+ system gives you beautiful and long lasting photos
  • Features pigment black ink for crisp, sharp text
  • 4800 x 12000 dpi
  • Borderless 4 x 6 photo
  • HD Movie Print Software
  • Includes pack of PP201
  • Wireless Lan

Product Description

From the Manufacturer

Built-in Wireless1 printing and scanning, a compact and stylish design with innovative features - meet the PIXMA MP495 Wireless Photo All-In-One. The MP495 brings high quality performance, ease of use and convenience together in one printer. You will also be able to continue your Wi-Fi photo printing with ease from compatible iPhone, iPod touch and Android devices2.


Canon PIXMA MP495 Wireless Inkjet Photo All-In-One

Wireless1, Compact & Stylish Photo All-In-One
  • All new Full HD Movie Print software turns your favorite HD movie clips captured with your compatible Canon EOS Digital SLR or PowerShot cameras into beautiful prints3
  • "Auto Photo Fix II" automatically adjusts and corrects your photos
  • Collect, combine and edit multiple web pages to print your own layout using "Easy-WebPrint EX"6
  • The ChromaLife100+ system gives you beautiful and long-lasting photos7
  • Features pigment black ink for crisp, sharp text

For the first time in home photo printing you can print still photographs from your captured HD movies with extraordinary technology called Full HD Movie Print. The all new Full HD Movie Print software turns your favorite HD movie clips captured with your compatible Canon EOS Digital SLR or PowerShot cameras into beautiful prints!3 The MP495 delivers a 4800 x 1200 maximum color dpi4 with Canon’s patented Hybrid Ink System. So, you’ll have a pigment black ink for crisp text and dye ink for beautiful photos up to 8.5" x 11" all with outstanding quality. Auto Photo Fix II technology automatically analyzes and applies image correction, red-eye removal and multi-zone exposure correction for beautiful images.
For your scanning needs, Auto Document Fix automatically delivers advanced image analysis and area-by-area data correction for text that’s easy to read, and pictures that maintain color tone and contrast. While Auto Scan Mode5 automatically recognizes the type of original you’re scanning, then scans and saves with the appropriate settings. Do you want to easily print from the web? Canon’s Easy-WebPrint EX6 software lets you clip, collect, and combine multiple web pages into your own layout and even add text.


LG Infinia 42LV5500 42-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED HDTV with Smart TV

LG Infinia 42LV5500 42-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED HDTV with Smart TV










Product Description

Amazon.com Product Description

(March 2011)

Internet-Ready Devices

Internet-ready devices use your broadband connection to deliver dynamic content to your television, whether it's streaming video from Netflix, new music from Pandora, or a quick glance at today's weather forecast.
Although there is overlap, each manufacturer offers a unique bundle of free or paid services, including streaming video and music, social networking apps, online photo galleries, news and financial updates, weather info, sports scores, and a variety of other smartphone-like applications.
Manufacturers continue to add new content to their offerings, keeping customers current through firmware updates, and making a bit of research a prudent step in your buying decision.
Learn more about Internet-ready devices and HDTVs, how they work, what services are offered by different manufacturers, and exactly what you'll need to get started at our Internet TV 101 customer center.

This stunning picture is the reason you wanted HDTV in the first place. With almost double the pixel resolution, Full HD 1080p gives it superior picture quality over standard HDTV. You'll see details and colors like never before.
To build a digital network, you need digital devices. That's obvious. But unless those devices are compatible, it won't be much of a network. DLNA Certified devices work together.
Earning the ENERGY STAR means a product meets strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy. For TVs, it means they save energy both in standby and active (when they're on) modes. ENERGY STAR–qualified TVs use about 30% less energy than standard units.
Get easy self-calibration with on-screen reference points for key picture quality elements such as black level, color, tint, sharpness and backlight levels. Take the guesswork out of picture adjustments with this simple-to-use feature. It's not actually magic, but it will sure seem that way.
Let your TV do the adjustments for you. Intelligent Sensor automatically optimizes the picture to the lighting and color conditions in the room for a more enjoyable viewing experience.
With our Smart Energy Saving Features, you can conserve money and energy.
LG's ISFccc Ready HDTVs contain the detailed standards necessary for professional calibration of brightness, contrast, tint, sharpness, color levels and much more to meet local lighting conditions for both daytime and nighttime viewing. Settings are added to preset modes for easy access from your LG remote.
* Wireless Internet connection & certain subscriptions required and sold separately. The Magic Motion Remote does not come equipped wtih all LG Smart TV enabled TVs and a separate purchase may be required. The Hulu Plus service is available via a firmware update. The LG web browser does not support Flash 10 or HTML 5, therefore, access to certain web content may be limited or unavailable.



Samsung Galaxy Tab

Samsung Galaxy Tab

Samsung Galaxy Tab


Product Description

Capacity: 16GB

Discover the next generation of portable entertainment with the thin, light, and powerful Samsung WiFi Galaxy Tab 10.1-Inch. Showcasing a 10.1-inch widescreen HD display and a dual-core processor for stunning detail and speed, the Galaxy Tab 10.1 delivers sharper movies, better game graphics, and crystal-clear video chats. Surf the web in its full glory with Adobe Flash compatibility and WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity. The Android 3.1 Honeycomb OS provides open access to over 200,000 Android Market apps, giving you the freedom to customize your Tab however you please. At 1.25 pounds, this sleek, 0.34-inch-thick tablet is designed for premium mobile computing around the house and on the go.
callout top with logo
WiFi Galaxy Tab 10.1-Inch
(16 GB)
At a Glance:
  • 10.1-inch HD widescreen display offers high resolution
  • 1.25 pounds and 0.34 inches thick for maximum portability
  • Adobe Flash compatible for unrestricted web browsing
  • Android 3.1 OS with open access to over 200,000 apps for full customization
  • Dual-core processor and 1 GB of RAM provide power and speed
  • 3-megapixel camera and camcorder; front-facing video chat camera
  • Compatible with a wide spectrum of Google services, media, and document files
  • Limited one-year warranty
callout bottom
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1-Inch (16 GB) Product Shot
Slim, lightweight body is designed for easy grip and portability. View larger.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1-Inch (16 GB) Product Shot
Features a 3-megapixel camera for crisp pictures and 720p video. View larger.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1-Inch (16 GB) Product Shot
Access to Android Market lets you customize your web and entertainment needs. View larger.
Dual-Core Processor Provides Speed and Power
A dual-core Tegra 2 processor and 1 GB of RAM deliver lightning-fast speed whether you're surfing the web, watching HD video, or playing the latest games. The Galaxy Tab 10.1 also features Adobe Flash compatibility, allowing you to experience unrestricted browsing on millions of web pages. And with up to 10 hours of battery life, the Galaxy offers endurance as well as power.
The Galaxy supports WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n and Bluetooth v2.1 connections. A 30-pin IF connector and USB 2.0 compatibility offer easy file transfer and charging.
This version of the Galaxy Tab offers 16 GB of onboard memory. For additional memory storage, Samsung also offers the 32 GB Galaxy Tab 10.1.
Light, Sleek Body with HD Display
Enjoy your media in beautiful clarity thanks to the Galaxy's 10.1-inch widescreen display with 1280-by-800-pixel high-definition resolution.
At 1.25 pounds, the Galaxy Tab is remarkably light. Measuring 10.1 by 6.9 by 0.34 inches (H x W x D), this easy-to-grip tablet is designed to fit comfortably in your hand and travel with ease.
Access to Android Market for Full Customization
The Galaxy Tab 10.1 features the Android 3.1 Honeycomb operating system, which offers exceptional speed and power for immersive web browsing and multitasking. With open access to Android Market--the fastest growing app market--over 200,000 apps are only a touch away, giving you the freedom to customize your tablet for all of your web and entertainment needs.
Intuitive Android OS Designed for Multitasking
Since Android 3.1 is designed specifically for tablets, computing is visual, fluid, and intuitive, making multitasking a breeze. The Quick App Tray can float above other applications, keeping important tasks at your fingertips, while multiscreen scrolling allows you to view up to five screens at the same time. The system's enhanced browser includes tabbed pages, form auto-fill, bookmark syncing with Google Chrome, and private browsing.
Integrated Google Services
Android 3.1 also features key Google services that you can easily access through convenient apps on your home screen. Use Google Maps with the Galaxy Tab's built-in GPS to point out your current location, search for businesses and addresses, and get directions. View your Gmail inbox and conversations side by side, and drop Gmail widgets on your home screen to stay on top of all your accounts. The mobile YouTube app provides a simple way to search, browse, and watch videos on your mobile device, while Google Talk lets you swap between multiple chats at a time, search your chat history, and see previews of videos and images within conversations or video chat.
Back- and Front-Facing Cameras
The Galaxy Tab 10.1 is equipped with a 3-megapixel camera for snapping crisp pictures and capturing 720p video. It also features a 2-megapixel front-facing camera for Google Talk video chat. You can share Tab content on your HDTV through the Tablet Extender feature, or stream it wirelessly with Allshare.
Compatible with Popular Media Formats
Designed to handle all of your portable entertainment needs, the Galaxy Tab 10.1 is compatible with major audio, video, and image file formats, letting you enjoy all of your media whenever and wherever you please. Stay entertained with Samsung's music and media hubs, where it's easy to purchase a wide range of content, including music, books, and magazines.
Security Suite Ideal for Business Use
The Galaxy Tab 10.1 is compatible with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF files, making it ideal for handling your business needs as well as your entertainment. An enterprise-friendly tablet, the Galaxy Tab includes a suite of security solutions. Relationships with SAP, Exchange ActiveSync, Cisco AnyConnect, Sybase, and Cisco WebEx make it possible to operate efficiently, confidently, and securely.
The Samsung WiFi Galaxy Tab 10.1-Inch is backed by a limited one-year warranty.
What's in the Box
WiFi Galaxy Tab 10.1 (16 GB), 30-pin IF connector, USB 2.0 cable, charger and plug, earphones, product registration, and instruction manual.

Product Description

Samsung’s WiFi Galaxy Tab 10.1"